Helping High-Performing Professionals defeat the burnout, inspire their teams, and lead with ease.
You have dreams to accomplish and mountains to climb. let’s get you some momentum!
Coaching is a relationship business. You and I are going to partner up and have several conversations. The most important thing for me to tell you is that YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED to accomplish your dreams, we’re going to find whatever block is in your way and get you moving along your path.
- Joe Blauwiekel
Do you want to do more, be more, accomplish more, but don't know where to begin? I'm here to help you get started.
Don't wait another moment. Your LIFE’S WORK and your FUTURE SELF can’t wait for you to take that next big step!
Thank you for contacting us here at Momenta!
We will get back to you as soon as possible and see how we can help you. For now, when's the last time you wrote down your goals or updated your bucket list? ;)
“Every session with Joe has yielded a number of personal and professional insights that have helped me overcome obstacles, work more efficiently, connect with other professionals and outside resources, and achieve a better work/life balance. He has a way of helping you cut right to the core of tough issues and identifying new paths to be more successful.”
“Joseph is the ultimate coach’s coach. With a thoughtful and thought-provoking approach to working with his clients, he helps them find the foundation they need to continue to move toward their goals.”
With help from Joe, I was able to quiet the background noise of deadlines, commitments, and that voice saying “I don’t know if this is the right time” and really focus on my own goals in an honest and objective way. By doing that, I was better able to communicate those goals in a way that resulted in a transition to a corporate leadership position that I’m very excited about and might otherwise have not been considered for because I had not expressed my interest or walked away from while I continued to wait around for the “right time” instead of making it the right time for myself.
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