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Taking Small Simple Steps - The Carousel of Action

Joseph Blauwiekel • August 27, 2022

The small wins really add up - and it doesn't take much!

Importance of small simple steps, two ladders one with small rungs that are easy to reach and the other that's unclimbable

I talk a lot about TAKING ACTION, and sometimes that can be daunting.

You’ve got that big goal or mountain to climb – so what’s the first step?

Actually that’s a great question – “what do YOU think is your first (or next) step?”


"What is that incremental action you can take today to get you to go your goal?"

I’m a big fan of Gary Keller’s “The One Thing” – and that works perfectly in this context. What’s the one thing – just one action – today that matters the most towards your goal?

It doesn’t need to be some big, transformational, earth-shattering thing!

It could simply be – “I’m going to dedicate 5 minutes to brainstorming ideas for <insert thing>.”

The psychology is clear on this:

….breaking your action items into small, severable chunks allows you to get quick wins as you check them off.

In addition, the MOMENTUM (#woot!) created when you being to string these small wins together is palpable – after a few days/weeks of the wins you’ll look back and ABSOLUTELY see your progress.

I’ve been doing this regularly with this new hobby – my small simple steps merely starts with getting out of bed! I get up at 5AM (let’s face it, 5:15am..) and my sole goal is to just do SOMETHING on Momenta.

I call it my Carousel Of Action

It’s either a (1) blog post like this one, (2) upload a quick Instagram, (3) shoot a reel, (4) engage with others, (5) research 5 new topics, etc… 

If I’m not “feeling it” I can at least do SOMETHING in my carousel of possible actions. Don’t want to write, google something else, engage on social media, and so on.  Any amount of small simple action that builds to the overall goal helps and is absolutely crucial for building momentum.

So – I’ll ask again – “what simple steps can you do to reach your goal?” Be it business, health or otherwise? What can your carousel look like to keep you fresh and excited?

 Thank you for your time today,


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